Quote of the Moment

You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Monday, April 03, 2006

Time Warp

A friend just forwarded me an e-mail in which it is explained that on Wednesday of this week at two minutes and three seconds after one o'clock it will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.

Reading this e-mail, I was transported back in time to Camp LuWiSoMo on the shores of Round Lake, where I attended a weekend retreat in middle school. Our youth pastor at the time, Pastor Chuck, made us count down the seconds until the clock struck 12:34 pm, making the time and date read 12:34 5/6/78. I have always remembered this. I think at the time Pastor Chuck must have hoped we would.


Anonymous said...

We're planning on putting this in the TIVO so we can replay it again and again with our home videos when friends come over. Our first invitation would be for this Friday, are you and the family available?

Do you think they will make a movie out of this in a few years?

Or do we have to wait for next year's version 12:34 05/06/07?


(There is no TIVO, there are no home movies, but you are welcome to come this weekend for a sunny getaway, bring your passports, swimsuits and underwater cameras)

Ann said...

Ah, if only . . . if only . . . if only we could win an eensy million dollar lottery and fly all over to warmer, sunnier climes and visit friends . . .
Enjoy the sun and sand while you have it, if you can!

emily oi! said...

i've spent part of each summer at round lake. we always sing back at the luwisomo kids when they have their bonfire.


Ann said...

That's cool that the camp is still running. Too bad you couldn't have been there yesterday (4/5/6) in honor of Pastor Chuck. Too bad I couldn't have been there, in fact, camping under the stars instead of lying in my bed at home thinking about the upper G.I. I was to have in the morning. Ah, the bliss of youth.