So I'm on vacation in Florida and I have begged my host to take me to Gainesville so I can see the University of Florida's libraries. After leaving the campus we headed off toward the Natural History Museum, but en route I saw this really long wall covered in graffiti. She left me there and went shopping while I spent about a half an hour or so exploring this display that stretched for several blocks along a busy street. We never did make it to the museum.

The sidewalk is also covered in paint, some of it purposeful and some of it obviously there accidentally. It's pretty either way. I think this wall must be a memorial of some sort, but I'm not sure. There was a plaque on the meridian with four or five names on it, but I don't know what the story is. If anyone knows, please leave a comment.

Love the palm trees (I'm such a northerner) and there I am, actually IN one of my photos!