Time to break out all your heavy black clothing and knee-high boots! Sheeeesh.
My girls, ages 15 and 12, made a trip to our local Hot Topic this past week and came home with black, lace-up, knee-high "pole climber" boots, black "skinny" jeans, fresh fishnets and glovelets, all just in time for marching around in the hot summer sun. That same night the older girl and I went over to our local park for the first in a series of free summer concerts. She wore a black short-sleeve t-shirt, an extremely short and flouncy (at least not tight) black skirt, her fresh fishnets (just flown in - ha!), her new boots and, to finish off the look with panache, a bright yellow belt creatively fashioned from a length of plastic police tape, tied in a neat little bow over her right hip.
I met some other parents from our kids' school at the park. One woman who doesn't know my kids asked if any of mine had come along with me. I described Laura and she had this funny look on her face. "Oh, I saw her." Uh-huh. That is mine. And I am very proud of her.