Quote of the Moment

You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Monday, July 20, 2009

Millipedes Rorschach

Upon visiting the Milwaukee Public Museum today with my son, I was disappointed to see that the bullet ants are no longer "alive" but have been replaced with replicas! Some nearby beetles were also fakes. Both of these exhibits used to be real and I have no idea why they have been changed. At least these millipedes were real. There are two of them having a cuddle - then a mirror image reflected off the side of their enclosure. Reminded me of one of those ink blot test patterns.

So, what do you see in the millipedes? Personally, I see an owl.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I see a Ram - or a Viking helm!