Quote of the Moment

You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Monday, September 29, 2008

Great Place to Crash

I don't believe anyone was seriously injured in this accident. If they were, I apologize. A friend called me to let me know about this scene in front of the Confidence Driving School on 76th and Locust.


emily oi! said...

how perfect.

christinE g. leong said...


Anonymous said...

Priceless! You're a terific photographer.


Anonymous said...

Send this in to Leno or Letterman

get money!!!!

your POOR husband

Ann said...

I spoke with the owner of the barber shop recently and he explained that the owner of the blue car, an elderly gentleman, was trying to slowly back up while in front of the silver car. He stepped on the gas, but a valve got stuck (don't ask me about this - I am paraphrasing) and nothing happened, then it suddenly engaged the gears and the car flew backwards and rammed into the silver car and went up onto the hood and flipped his blue car, landing as shown. I was told he was not seriously hurt, though I find that a bit hard to believe from the look of it all.