My youngest child and I visited the zoo on Sunday. Here are a few photos to start with, two typical shots and one not so typical. More will inevitably follow as I find time to work on them. This reflection was in the seal pool. A yellow feed bucket was standing near the edge of the pool, lending a nice color to the water.

Remember, as I told my son, the female lion does most of the hunting!

The true King of Beasts, tigers average about 250 pounds larger than lions.
Something tells me that Tiger wouldn't put up with someone trying to brush his teeth like my dogs do!
These photos really are gorgeous! I particularly like the reflection one. I love how you are drawn to the reflections. I saw an artist over the past weekend that painted like 8' x 8' reflections. It was incredible to see them so large. It reminded me of your photography. :)
Terrific shots.
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