I had never been in the main Chicago library before today. There are some really neat looking (and rather fancy and large) gargoylish birds on the roof corners. Inside there are about eight floors with lots of room for study. The security guards checked everyone's bags on the way out, including my purse. Life in the big city, I guess. Here you can see the roof detail, the main lobby area, part of the travel reference shelves, and a hallway we used to get to the main lobby.
The same window can look very different depending on where you stand and what you catch reflecting in it. Three of these are the same set of windows, but the green one was nearby on the same wall.
Went down to the Windy City this past Saturday just to walk around and take pictures, maybe climb what I am used to calling the Sears Tower (now Willis Tower) and have a good lunch. Turns out the climb to the top of the nation's tallest building costs about $15 and I wasn't willing to spend it at this point in my life. But we did have a good time walking around in Millennium Park, up to the Tower and then stopping at the Chicago Public Library on the way back to the car. I have lots of photos to play with and a few to share here.