I had the great pleasure of interviewing Eliot Patterson of True Skool today. I am developing a digital library of Milwaukee Graffiti for a class and needed a video element. A good friend recommended True Skool as a resource, so I visited their website and contacted them. Eliot has been a graffiti artist for about two decades and is a veritable fountain of helpful information. These two panels were done by Eliot and a group of kids from True Skool. This artwork can be found on 12th and National, on the southeast corner building, facing west. The two photos represent two long sections of wall, the artwork of each section is roughtly the same height, but because the first section is longer, it looks smaller to fit on here. You can also view another really neat set of artworks by True Skool on Washington and Cesar Chavez on the south side of the building on the northwest corner. I will post some of that work soon as well.