I first noticed this bug on our bedroom wall a couple days ago. Looked harmless and, unlike how I would react to a centipede, I forgot about it. Then it was on the window above my desk. Then it was in the upstairs bathroom. This afternoon I went into this bathroom to, well, you know, and there it was, floating in the toilet bowl that had been left open! Oh, dear! I gently lifted her out (I am guessing it's a female because there appears to be a little ovipositor on its back end, but who knows?) and let her crawl up my sleeve a bit. I then transferred her to the bathroom window and ran to get my camera and macro lens. She's about 3/4-inch long, not including her antennae. Now I need to go to Whatsthatbug.com and find out what she is and how she came to be in our house at the tail end of a long, cold winter.